Bot Stellar Age
Bot Capabilities:
- Attack of ordinary pirates, with a choice of level for each resource
- Search and attack of elite pirates
- Join the rally on Flos, do time event
- Checking and activating the Shield
- Reboot the game during technical work
- Control of pressing
Function description:
- "Использовать Щит" the function checks, and if there is no shield, activates the selected shield. If the selected shield is not present, the next, increasing amount of time will be activated. For example, if you have only 8 clock shield and the selected day shield 3, the clock shield 8 is activated.
- "Ускорять ремонт кораблей" the function will use the accelerators of the repair shop when the message “The repair shop is overcrowded” appears.
- "Увеличивать скорость полета" the function will use the bud to increase flight speed, only if they joined the rally on the Elite Pirate. ATTENTION! Increasing speed works only on elite pirates and only when joining the rally of other players!
- "Обычные Пираты" the attack will be carried out only on ordinary pirates, with the shipment of the fleet by the selected presets. The attack will be carried out by the commander who is selected in the preset, so the bot will wait for the commander to return from each flight.
- "Элитные Пираты" the attack will be carried out only by elite pirates, with the dispatch of the fleet by selected presets, by joining the rally on elite pirates created by other players of your alliance. For levels 1 through 5 inclusive, you can select one preset, for the 6th and further, the other. These same presets and levels are relevant for finding elite pirates on the map.
- "Искать элитных пиратов" search for pirates will be activated, provided that there are no other players currently created. For levels 1 through 5 inclusive, you can select one preset, for the 6th and further, the other. Ticks can also turn off, for example, the search for the 1st and 2nd levels of pirates. The map shift during the search is possible according to three parameters: Counterclockwise, Clockwise, and Alternate.
- "Возвращаться на базу после атаки" turning off the function will allow you to continue searching in the same area when a successful attack on an elite pirate.
- "Атака Flos" enabling the function will make it possible to attack Flos in two modes, a joint attack and a regular attack. The mode is selected by turning off and turning on the “solo” parameter. If the Flos attack fails, the function is disabled.
- "Помогать в ралли на Flos" turning on the function will make it possible to join the rally on the flos from other players. You must specify a level in the settings, since the rally will be sent: preset on the left if the level is smaller, and preset on the right if the level is greater than or equal to the specified level. ATTENTION! If there is no Flos event, it is better to disable the function.
- "Jet" two values are specified. The minimum at which the bot stops and the maximum at which the bot starts pharmacy.
- "Использовать Jet" the feature will allow Jet to be used in its shortage to join the rally of other players. You can set the appropriate number of x50, x100, x500. The usage limit is used at one time, for example, you need to spend 50 pcs. Jet x50, with a limit of 500. It will be spent on 9-10pc Jet, if it is over and still required, then again 9-10pc and so until all 50pc is spent. ATTENTION! For safety, the function is turned off before each start, and you need to turn it on each time.
- "Не ждем командира" the function disables the commander’s waiting time from the flight, but also disables resource extraction. The feature is suitable for pirates.
- "Максимум флота в полете" the function indicates the number of simultaneously possible fleets in flight, upon reaching which the bot will wait. Example: 3 fleets are in flight (resource is extracted). The player’s MCC allows only 6 fleets to be sent into flight at a time. So “Maximum fleet in flight” must be set equal to 3.
- "Атакуем" ticks select the required resource for mining, set the desired level and preset for each resource.
- "Добываем ресурсы" the function will track the appearance of the farm after the attack of the fleet on the base of the pirate. For each resource, you can select a specific preset, or one for all.
- "Получать награды в Центре Вознаграждений" the feature will collect items located in the Rewards Center.
Parameter description:
- "Минимальный процент для запуска ралли" this parameter is calculated from the ratio of the power of the attackers to the power of the elite pirate. For example, the minimum percentage is 70%, the power of an elite pirate is 60М, the player’s power is 30М. The percentage is 50%, so the bot will wait for an increase in power until at least 42М to send a rally.
- "После создания ралли, зовем друзей через" This is the time option that the Invite Friends key will be pressed.
- "Распускаем ралли, если никто не зашел через" time parameter for dissolution of rally by bot (it is desirable to specify a time less than 5 minutes allotted by the game).
- "Сколько времени не создаем ралли после роспуска" this is the time parameter for the timeout between failed rallies created by the bot. If another player creates a rally at this time, the bot will join it.
- "Когда ралли можно запускать, ждем еще" a time parameter for delaying the sending of a rally when the start conditions are met. If there are few players involved, you can set from 3-5 seconds.
- "Сколько попыток отправить флот" parameter indicates the number of attempts to send a fleet when not all participants are ready for departure. After all attempts, the rally will be sent forcibly.
- "Никто не создает ралли, идем на карту через" time parameter, for spacewalking and searching for elite pirates, in the absence of a rally from other players (including in-flight rally)
- "Время простоя с последнего ралли" time parameter, if during which there was not a single rally, then when the next one appears, a pause “Пауза перед ралли после простоя” will be set
- "Пауза перед ралли после простоя" time parameter, delay before the rally enters, if the amount of time specified in the “Время простоя с последнего ралли” has elapsed since the last rally.
- "При одновременном присоединении, выход через" The time parameter that will exit the rally and enter again. With the clan active, players can simultaneously click the “Join the Rally” button, in which case the player remains in the rally, but with the status “there is a fleet selection,” and you need to go out and go in the new one.
- "Не заходим в ралли, если оно дальше" parameter restricting attachment to the rally by distance. Indicated in the rank of tens of thousands.
- "Проверять Flos каждые" time parameter, through which replenishment of moves for Flos attack will be checked, after their completion.
Bot Settings:
- "Режим погружения" You should choose if you see control buttons or bangs on the device in the game when you start. When using an emulator, there is no need for a “Immersive mode.”
- "Пауза между нажатиями" time parameter, specifies two numbers, minimum and maximum, within the range of which a delay between presses will accidentally occur.
- "Запустить бота в" Start the bot at the scheduled time. By default, the start time is the current time.
- "Скорость работы бота" made to reduce the load on the device, can have a value from 1 to 5, where 5 is very slow (about one click every four seconds), and 1 is the use of the device to the maximum (recommended only for high-performance machines). It is not recommended to choose 1 or 2 speeds on slow machines, this can lead to the slow operation of the emulator/game/bot itself with subsequent departures.
System requirements:
- Android emulator for this bot and game, recommended LD Player 3 Android 5+ (stable operation of the bot on other emulators is not guaranteed)
- Minimum 2 cores and 2Gb of RAM in emulator parameters
- Android version is sufficient to run the game
- Display resolution 1280х720 (with other screen resolutions, stable bot operation is not guaranteed)
- AnkuLua version at least 8.3.0 (with option enabled "Enable network functions")
- Root, daemon or media projection
- Disabled messages about the user’s grant of root (in the superuser settings).
- Game interface language - Русский.